For Immediate Release
April 6, 2024
For More Information, contact:
Dendra Chavez Bob McNaney
Phone number: (907) 903-4195 Phone number: (651) 249 -7718
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AVCP Calls for Innovative Thinking to Fight the Ongoing Salmon Crisis
Anchorage, Alaska- The Association of Village Council Presidents (AVCP) leadership brought powerful testimony to the North Pacific Fishery Management Council (NPFMC) meeting today to bring attention to the dire salmon crisis which is impacting thousands of Native Alaskans.
This crisis has reached an historic level impacting the physical well-being, cultural well-being, and rights of Natives. In a show of unity, AVCP ‘s Chief Executive Officer Vivian Korthuis jointly testified with Brian Ridley, Chairman and Chief of Tanana Chiefs Conference and Melanie Bahnke, Chief Executive Officer of Kawerak.
Click Link below for full story:
Association of Village Council Presidents: Association of Village Council Presidents (AVCP) is a regional non-profit tribal consortium comprising 56 federally recognized tribes of the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta. AVCP’s region is approximately 55,000 square miles, with a population of 27,000 residing in 48 communities along the Yukon River, Kuskokwim River, and Bering Sea coast. The residents of the region are primarily Yup’ik, Cup’ik, and Athabascan. AVCP is dedicated to supporting the interests of its member tribes, including through community development, education, social services, culturally relevant programs, and advocacy. AVCP promotes self-determination and protection and enhancement of cultural and traditional values. As part of its mission, AVCP has long been committed to advocating for the protection of the Bering Sea and its resources.