The monetary economy supplements our traditional subsistence economies. As a result, our people have a connection to the land that is deeply rooted in our culture and traditions.
Protect and maintain the integrity of our region’s natural resources and the unique subsistence way of life for both present and future generations.
Keep the region informed of current events that affect their subsistence ways of life.
Assist in providing a strategy of improved management, protection, and development of Indian land and local natural resource assets through the Forrest Management Plan.
Collaborating and consulting with state, federal, and international policy makers to provide a voice for our region.
Additionally, Natural Resources monitors any activities that may affect the use and availability of our regional resources. This includes following legislative and congressional activities. Further, we participate in state and federal regulatory processes that determine our access to those resources.
Efforts are made to collaborate with all user groups and organizations that share similar objectives, while providing information and updates to our region’s tribes and stakeholders.

Natural Resource Partners:

AVCP Waterfowl Conservation Committee

“Our Regional Values: Having respect for…
All living things, Our land and its resources, Our Elders, Other people’s belonging, and Our Spiritual values.”

Useful Resources

Frequently Asked Questions
A: Our natural resources include anything that can be used for subsistence. This includes soils, grasses, water, birds, fish, berries, and any other resource that can be used for the economic benefit of an individual, community, or organization.
A: Our Natural Resources Department represents the region as a whole. We help you by making sure you and your community have a seat at the table when large decisions are being made that will affect your subsistence activities. We do this by maintaining official working relationships with several policy influencing entities.
A: We continue our work serving as advocates for the region’s resources. In doing so, we are also working on a mechanism to collect community perspectives that can be documented by region and unit, to best represent the regional perspective and values.