Originally formed in preparation of the passage of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA),the 56 federally recognized tribes in the YK Delta began assembling under the AVCP banner.
AVCP provides community development, education, social services, culturally relevant programs and advocacy for the people and 56 tribes of Western Alaska; to promote self-determination, protection and enhancement of cultural and traditional values.
AVCP Regional Housing Authority (RHA) was formed while Raphael Murran was Chair of YB, Inc.[7] in line with the tribes endorsement of such creation at the 1974 Convention.[8] AVCP RHA is now a separate organization, though we work closely for the betterment of the region.


The Articles of Incorporation are amended at IRS’ request in 1978 (to reference tax-exempt purposes under the correct Code section, 501(c)(3)) [link to 1978 Amendment].
The IRS awards 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status in 1978, applying same back to the date of incorporation. Exemption is retained until revoked. Current exempt status can be confirmed by the IRS’ select-check tool (https://apps.irs.gov/app/eos/)– type in the organization’s name in quotation marks, “Association of Village Council Presidents.”
Present Day
AVCP to this day continues to operate as an 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. Its Executive Board of Directors is responsible to:
carry-out the mission of the organization
fulfill the obligations of its charter as a nonprofit corporation with the State of Alaska
ensure that the corporation observes all 501(c)(3) limits and maintains that qualification with the IRS, and
be accountable to the corporation’s voting members, the 56 villages of the YK Delta.
Interview of Moses Paukan by Vivian Johnson (now, Korthuis), 9/27/2004, AVCP 2004 Special Convention Newsletter – Remembering Our Past, p. 3.
Carl Jack, article cited in note 1, p. 8.
Carl Jack, article cited in note 1, p. 4.
Carl Jack, article cited in note 1, p. 8
Article by RaphelMurran, “Many people helped AVCP,” AVCP 2004 Special Convention Newsletter – Remembering Our Past, p. 5.
Carl Jack, article cited in note 1, p. 8.
A strategic plan endorses a new “operating base” for these efforts. The “YB, Inc. Board of Directors during the fall of 1976 . . . [directs] the necessary corporate documents to incorporate AVCP [i.e., the current AVCP – THIS organization – to be] the regional non-profit corporation with a full understanding that in the process YB, Inc. would be dissolved and its programs novated [meaning the new AVCP would take over all contracts and grants that began with YB] to the new AVCP.” The tribes give approval during a last quarter 1976 special purpose Convention chaired by Eddie Hoffman.
With the approval of the tribes at the 1970 Convention,4 (2 of 2) YupiktakBista, Inc. (YB, Inc.), a non-profit corporation, is formed to operate to benefit the people of YK Delta. Harold Napolean was the Executive Director through 1975, followed by Carl Jack in 1976. Carl Jack notes, “AVCP at that time existed by name only, and used YB, Inc. as its administrative arm . . . programs under YB, Inc. were the CETA program and the operating funds supporting P.L. 93-638, [the] Indian Self Determination and Educational Program Act ….” (YB, Inc. had been authorized by a number of YK Delta tribes to administer those funds on the tribes behalf).
- The YK Delta tribes develop and continue efforts to serve the people of the region, working through various Committees they create – Health, Housing Committee, Resources Committee, etc.
- Eddie Hoffman hires Raphael Murran in 1968 to organize annual meetings of AVCP’s villages.
- In 1968, the Yukon-Kuskokwin Health Corporation is organized, with the approval of the tribes at the 1968 Convention.
- In 1969, Association of Village Council Presidents, Inc., an Alaska for-profit corporation (“AVCP, Inc.”) was formed in anticipation of being ANCSA-administrator for the region.
As a result of this ANCSA planning (which the YK Delta tribes endorsed), the creation of AVCP in 1964 is cited as AVCP’s birthday – more accurately a birthday of the tribes’ meetings which were then, as now, referred to as Association of Village College Presidents’ Conventions.
Useful Resources