AVCP supports KRITFC, YDNWR and KRSMWG positions on ADFG Kuskokwim River fishing announcement #7
For Immediate Release
June 25, 2021
Bethel, Alaska – AVCP joins the Kuskokwim River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (KRITFC) and the Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge (YDNWR) in reminding fishermen of the Kuskokwim River to be mindful of the status of fishing. Federal management of the river in federal waters began on June 1, 2021, with the approval of the USFWS Emergency Special Action 3-KS-01-21 and remains in effect today. There has been no official announcement for a federal subsistence fishing opportunity.
On Wednesday, June 23, 2021, the advisory Kuskokwim River Salmon Management Working Group (KRSMWG) formally recommended through a motion to the State of Alaska’s Department of Fish & Game (ADFG) that an opener for Monday, June 28, 2021, not be announced at this time. AVCP supports the KRSMWG and asks that the ADFG respect their decision.
The YDNWR and the KRITFC have both reminded the public that there are alternative methods that are still open and AVCP joins in that reminder.
- Fishing may be done in the non-salmon tributaries (from above the 100-yard mark from the Kuskokwim mainstem); or
- Non-gillnet gear (i.e., Dip nets, hook and line, beach seines and fish wheels) may be used to fish for salmon (any kings harvested must be live released).
Both YDNWR and the KRITFC have also reminded the public to check their local Facebook pages and websites for any updates, or to call the Refuge with any questions. The Refuge may be reached at 543-3151.
For additional information, you can also visit KRITFC and YDNWR websites, www.kuskosalmon.org and www.fws.gov/refuge/Yukon_Delta/. AVCP will also work to provide updates as they come available on AVCP’s Facebook page and at our website, avcp.org.
For additional information, please contact AVCP’s Communications Specialist, Maria Nicolai, at 907-545-1392 or email her at mnicolai1@avcp.org.
AVCP is a regional nonprofit tribal consortium comprised of the 56 federally recognized tribes of the YK Delta. The geographic boundaries of AVCP extend from the Yukon River Village of Russian Mission downstream to the Bering Sea coast, north up through Kotlik and south along the coastline to Platinum and then extending up the Kuskokwim River to Stony River, including Lime Village on the Stony River tributary. The area encompasses approximately 6.5 million acres, or 55,000 square miles, in Western Alaska.
Maria Nicolai