The Association of Village Presidents Council (AVCP) would like to congratulate Village Public Safety Officer (VPSO) Jacob Chingliak on completing the Alaska Law Enforcement Training (ALET) Academy. Officer Chingliak is the proud son of Mr. and Mrs. Chingliak originally from Goodnews Bay, AK. Officer Chingliak returned home this month just in time for the holiday season, now a certified VPSO. Cinglaq started out on this career path after he saw a great need to help his community and make a difference for those living in this region.
ALET is an intense 17-week long program that takes place in Sitka, AK. On July 24, 2022, Officer Cinglaq recalls running out of the airport and heard yelling. He was met by a group of people in suits, just like he was, at attention. Officer Chingliak’s days would start off by being awoken by a bullhorn at 0430 hours to begin PT in the gym until 0630 hours for chow time. Then they would get busy with their day. It was not all that he expected, Officer Chingliak stated that the toughest part of this academy was the mental preparation for the different steps he had to face throughout the 17 weeks; from being pepper sprayed, tased and jumping into the ocean for cold-water survival. Despite the obstacles, Officer Chingliak will always remember the bond that was built during the academy between all the attendees, from all over the State of Alaska and from the Lower 48s.
Officer Chingliak would like to share with anyone who is interested in pursuing the VPSO career to: “Look at the end goal, stick to it day by day. Put in your best effort for as long as you can. Keep your health up. Don’t smoke, don’t drink too much. Stay as healthy as you can and learn how to do bear crawls” he concluded his statement with a laugh.
AVCP congratulates VPSO Jacob Chingliak once again and we wish you the best of luck moving forward in your career.